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Educator training and on-going support that creates successful student readers

Get trained to effectively teach reading – the most significant factor in academic success

Pathways to Reading provides a variety of training venues and follow-up support. The training is for all levels of an MTSS or RTI model including:

K-3rd grade classroom teachers, Reading and ESL/ELL teachers K-12, Special Education teachers, Title I teachers, reading interventionists, and para-professionals.


Year One Training

Our foundational professional development training program. Pathways to Reading’s year one training is the first step in creating independent readers in your district.

Join face to face  or virtual trainings. Onsite trainings require a minimum of 15 participants.


4 days

Three consecutive days with one day of follow up support, either in person or virtual.

$599 per participant

Includes one grade level small group manual and training materials.

*Fee does not include large group or assessment manuals, the PTR Classroom Kit or access to on-line resources.

*Virtual trainings add $15 shipping fee.

What teachers learn with year one training

The Simple View of Reading (Gough, Juel & Griffith, 1992)

Decoding x Oral Language Comprehension = Reading Comprehension

Eduators will learn to evaluate and instruct students through the lens of the Simple View of Reading. Reading instruction includes two major components. Teach students to:

Independently decode with accuracy and fluency.

Read for meaning and understanding.

PTR’s year one training focuses on the educator becoming familiar with an abundance of reading research related to the role of phonemic awareness in learning phonics and gaining fluency. Teachers learn that the evaluation of reading comprehension includes knowledge of the student’s independent decoding ability and how to merge decoding and reading comprehension instruction.

A Full Understanding of Phonemic Awareness

What it is.

How it differs from phonics.

Its relationship to the development of reading and spelling.

How to teach phonemic awareness to all students and how to blend it with systematic, explicit instruction in phonics.

How to assess and assist the development of phonemic awareness through small group instruction and scaffolded questioning.

A Full Understanding of Fluency

Role of advanced phonemic awareness in developing reading fluency.

Role of orthographic mapping in developing reading fluency.

How to assist students to develop orthographic mapping skills.

What is meant by ‘sight words.’

A Full Understanding of Assessment

How to use PTR assessments with AIMES, DIBELS or other district assessments.

How to use PTR assessments to evaluate where students are on a phonics and phonemic awareness continuum.

How to use PTR assessments with all ages of students in an RTI model.

How to use assessments to inform instruction and measure growth.

A Full Understanding of Spelling

The role of phonemic awareness, phonics, orthographic mapping and visual memory in learning to spell.

Techniques for teaching spelling.

How to assess and assist the development of spelling.

A Full Understanding of Differentiated instruction

Stages of reading development.

The relationship of decoding to reading comprehension.

How to develop decoding fluency and accuracy.

How to judge differences in materials for reading practice.

How to develop comprehension during decoding practice.

How to assess and assist the development of decoding through scaffolded questioning.

Learn to record daily small group session outcomes and how they guide the pacing of instruction.


Year Two Practicum Training

The practicum will answer teacher questions after implementing PTR, share PTR updates and hone teacher PTR skills and pacing of instruction.

Participants must have attended Year One training and had opportunity to implement the PTR program.


3 days

Two-day practicum on site with a half day of follow up either in person or virtually. Educators work in pairs with one student to assess, analyze errors and lesson plan.

$420 per participant

Join face to face or virtual trainings. Trainings require a minimum of 10 participants.

Important to Teacher Success

Participants refine and extend skills from year one training. With a PTR consultant and peers they:

Create a list of questions to be answered during training.

Administer and interpret assessments to determine instructional needs of a participating student.

Create PTR lesson plans and carry out instruction.

Problem solve student learning difficulties.

Receive updates, information and modeling.

Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL)

Dr. Cheeseman of the University of Colorado

The McREL study indicates that teachers who participate in this training show a significant increase in knowledge and skills for teaching beginning reading.


Pathways to Reading Refresher Course

Open enrollment.  This training is for teachers who wish to review aspects of year 1 training. Trainers will share any new PTR developments and be prepared to review strategies, materials, small group instruction, pacing, test interpretation as well as fielding questions.


1 day

Practicum on site with two educators per student or virtual breakout rooms with two teachers per student.

$250 per participant

Participants will be given the opportunity to submit questions or topics for discussion.


Pathways to Reading Tailored Refresher Course

Specific to your school or district, this training provides teachers with updates and practice with PTR materials and strategies, along with answering questions related to assessments, pacing, and struggling students.

Our refresher training’s were created to ensure your PTR teachers always stay up to date.


1 - 2 days

Days do not need to be consecutive.  Days can be divided into grade level blocks.

Pricing available on request.

Up to 30 participants daily.

Customized for you

Each refresher course can be fully tailored to your specific district or school needs.


Pathways to Reading Implementation Support

With on-site support, PTR addresses your students and the needs related specifically to your school or setting.

Support will develop teacher skills and confidence through modeling and coaching, and can aid in the identification of in-district mentors.


Pricing available on request.

Customized for you

A PTR consultant will help to plan the day which may include: grade-level modeling with identified students, teacher small group coaching, instructional problem-solving, analysis of testing data, and integrating PTR with overall literacy program or utilizing Pathway to Meaning training.


Comprehension Training

With PTR in place, teachers are set on the road to developing student oral language comprehension leading to text reading comprehension.

This training helps teachers to develop the comprehension part of the Simple View of Reading equation.


2 days

This training is offered face to face with follow up on-site support recommended. On-site support includes but is not limited to lesson development and classroom modeling.

$399 per participant

Minimum of 10 participants

The Value of Comprehension

Teachers will learn:

The Six Cognitive Systems

The Six Systems in Action

The Six Systems through Reader’s Workshop

Mini lesson essentials

Mini lessons to teach Deep Structure and verification of student strategy application

Planning a mini lesson and selection of mentor text

Worktime and conferring with students

Develop student reflection on learning

The Simple View of Reading

Gough, Juel & Griffith, 1992

Decoding x Oral Language Comprehension = Text Reading Comprehension

PTR Foundational training brings knowledge and skills related to decoding. Pathway to Meaning brings knowledge and skills related to teaching comprehension and guiding students to read and reflect on meaning.


Dyslexia Training

This training provides educators with an understanding of dyslexic students, how dyslexia is diagnosed and the type of instruction and accommodations required to support their learning.


1 or 2 days

Pricing available on request.

Understanding Dyslexia

Important knowledge

Approximately 1 in 5 students are dyslexic.

Educators often have a student that has received a diagnosis of dyslexia or displays symptoms of dyslexia and has significant difficulty learning to read.

This course is designed to assist educators in their understanding of dyslexia and students who suffer from mild to severe dyslexia.

This class will assist educators in answering:

What dyslexia is and is not.

What are symptoms of dyslexia and how is it diagnosed?

How do dyslexics differ from the normally developing reader?

What instruction and educational accomodations are needed for the dyslexic?

What instruction can prevent and remove the hurdles for the dyslexic student learning to read?

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